Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Your Europe Your Say: What a weekend!

Last february, Radio Jandula informed about the selection of our school to participate in this European event organised be the EESC.
Time passed, the three lucky students were selected, paperwork done, their amendments sent... and last Thursday, the day to fly to Brussels finally came!
Unfortunately for me, I couldn't accompany the students because of an unlucky accident, but our great DOS (=Director of Studies) volunteered and off they headed for Brussels. Little did they know about Icelandic volcanoes of un-spellable name, about how mean airline ground staff can be, or about what kind of eventful experience they where about to go through...
Now that everything is over, I believe the thousands of kilometres driven on European roads, the people they met and the enthusiasm and help from the EESC people will add value to this intense and unforgettable experience.
Congratulations and make sure you spread the news!

A very special THANK YOU to our DOS, who volunteered to go at very short notice, accompanied, guided and drove our students up and down Europe, took them to Brussels in time for the event and then brought them back home safe and sound, and another big THANK YOU to Ms Irini Pari for having this wonderful idea and making it all happen