Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Human Rights

December 10th. Human Rights Day 
The UN General Assembly proclaimed 10 December as Human Rights Day in 1950. The High Commissioner for the promotion and protection of all Human Rights was created in 1993. Therefore, we are celebrating their 20th anniversary.
Take a look at this video,  which is immpressing summary of the story of Human Rights, from the time of Cyrus the Great until today. It will surely provide you with interesting reflections about this 'hot topic' and ideas to use in your oral exam.

For a list of terms used in the video click here 
(remember you can turn on the subtitles, they may help)

Use the following links to see the complete list of Rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and to prepare for the oral test.

List of the 30 rights in the Universal Declaration

Video. The 30 Articles of Human Rights  

Instructions and resources