Monday, 31 December 2007

Saturday, 22 December 2007

Merry -plurilingual- Christmas!!

Can you match this?

1. kellemes karacsonyi ünnepeket
2. zhu ni shengadanjie kuaile
3. hyvää joulua
4. buon natale
5. vesele vanoce
6. joeyeux noël
7. id malid magid
8. prettige kerstdagen
9. glaedelig jul
10. moadim leshimkha. schena tova
11. tschestita koleda
12. kurisumasu omedeto gozaimas
13. nollaig shona
14. kala christougenna
15. god jul
16. noel bayraminiz kutlu olsun
17. feliz navidad
18. furaha ya krismasi
19. wesolych swiat
20. wesjolowo roschdestwa
21. sung tan chuk ha
22. feliz natal
23. nadolig llawen
24. cracium fericit
25. jutdlime pivdluarit ukiortame pivdluaritto

a. dänisch
b. italienisch
c. portugiesisch
d. spanisch
e. häbräisch
f. ungarisch
g. russisch
h. bulgarisch
i. japanisch
k. arabisch
l. niederländisch
m. tschechisch
n. türkisch
o. walisisch
p. eskimo (inupik)
q. swahili
r. gälisch
s. rumänisch
t. griechisch
u. schwedisch/norwegisch
v. polnisch
w. finnisch
x. französisch
y. koreanisch
z. chinesisch

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Brazil Radio

Ladies Radio

She's a Rainbow

Friday, 1 June 2007

Course Evaluation

Please go to the Course Evaluation, read the questions carefully and answer them. Your evaluation of the course is important!

Friday, 20 April 2007

Joshua Bell post: tasks

To guide your comments, you can use the following questions:
+ Look for info about J.Bell and write about him
+ Describe what happens in the video
+ What was the purpose of this 'experiment'? Did it work? Why?/Why not?

Joshua Bell in the Washington DC subway

Saturday, 31 March 2007

The Evolution of Dance

The History of Dance/Music from Elvis Presley to Justin Timberlake -including 'Los Pajaritos' and 'Macarena' and many more- in 6 minutes!!

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Ok Go in the Wikipedia

Would you like to know more about this interesting 'power pop' group? Click here

Friday, 23 February 2007

James Morrison + Prison Break

James Morrison is a British singer. He is not very famous here, but I think he is good. Do you want to see one of his videos?
Click on his photograph and you will discover a very interesting song 'You Give Me Something'. What do you think?
Do you want to take a look at the lyrics?
You can also visit his official website (it's a cool site).
Add your comments or entries -you can use the questions in the Joss Stone entry as a guide.
Finally, would you like to look at some images of Prison Break while listening -again- to 'You Give Me Something'? Click on Michael Scofield's picture.

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Introducing Joss Stone

Joss Stone is a young British singer. She is only 17 years old.
If you want to know abour her, you can visit her webpage in Spanish (click on the picture on the right). You can also go to her official site (which is much better) clicking on the picture on the left, listen to some of her songs, compare both websites and/or read the lyrics. With all this information, you could...
* Create an entry about this artist
* Write about the lyrics, or
* Compare both websites (the Spanish and the official site in English).

Tell me 'bout it is her latest hit -it is the first song you can hear as you enter the official site Do you like this artist? Would you like to have a look at the video? Click here.
Add your comments below!

Friday, 16 February 2007

Welcome to Radio Jandula Blog

Tras la 'experiencia' del día de San Valentín, y viendo la gran acogida que tuvo la idea, hemos pensado abrir este blog con varios objetivos:
* Compartir música que nos guste ¿Cómo? elaborando listas (de vídeos y de canciones) que podamos ver o escuchar 'online'
* Averiguar qué canciones o intérpretes son los favoritos de las personas del IES Jándula. ¿Cómo? Poniendo los títulos de nuestras canciones favoritas y nuestros grupos o intérpretes preferidos en este blog.
* Hacer listas con estas canciones para que todos las podamos ver/escuchar.
* También podríamos hacer votaciones para saber cuáles son los mas populares.
* Saber más sobre los intérpretes de nuestras canciones favoritas, sobre las letras y sobre música en general. Se podría hacer algún concurso.
¿Te parece buena idea? ¿Qué otras cosas crees que podríamos hacer en este blog? Añade tus comentarios y a partir de ahí veremos cómo podemos organizarnos.
Para terminar esta primera entrada, ¿Quieres oir las mejores canciones de amor?Pulsa aquí.